Hi! I'm Dorie!
I am everyone's best friend, I love surprising people and I can only fill my cup by helping others! I went to school on a music scholarship and love to give my son a concert for one I am an avid gardener, sewing makes me happy, and I hum so much that I don't even know when I'm doing it anymore! I'm also the resident hugger so any time you need a hug, these arms are open!
Why did I join FWCC?
I lost my son, Kale, at 45 days old and spent 2011-2016 immersed in helping start the THIRD pediatric hospice in America right here in Fort Worth! I spent many years building up a children's brand in honor of Kale and finally landed back into the non-profit world when FWCC put out the call for an outreach coordinator. I was a homeless teen after both of my parents became incarcerated. I spent all of my high school years couch surfing and relying on hand-me-downs for friends. When I learned what FWCC did and how much dignity was given into fulfilling clothing insecurities, it was a no brainer for me to join!
My favorite task at FWCC is:
My absolute most fun is when I can host our partners on site. When I get to see the direct and quick impact a tote of clothing is going to have at a school or a girl's home closet I leave that day recharged for weeks! I also love Saturdays when we have open shop. In the front you get to see shoppers and having direct interaction with them warms me, but the livliness and spirit in the back room is something I've never seen volunteering anywhere else before.
My personal goals for FWCC are:
I am an analytical person so I have many measurable goals for FWCC, but personally I'd love to have outreach to at least 20 FWISD schools and expand our staff to be able to function 5 days a week!
My business goals for FWCC are:
My heart's most pure desire for FWCC is to know that our name is synonymous with clothing needs. FWCC being a hosuehold name in Tarrant county would be the best measure of success.
Where do I think FWCC will be in one year? In five years?
Oh do I love dreaming! I know that within a year, we will be open to the public once a week-at least. Within 5 years, we will have a stand-alone site and be the largest clothing non-profit in the area.